Madeira, perfect spot for sun-lovers and those who enjoy the great outdoors


978 km from mainland Portugal and 608 km from the African coast lies an island that is said to be part of the lost continent of Atlantis.

High mountains, deep valleys, tranquil lakes, waterfalls and an immensity of green. The vivacity of the Madeiran landscape is the result of an authentic subtropical climate that keeps the chill off the seawater and the climate mild all year round.

Madeira is the perfect spot for sun-lovers and those who enjoy the great outdoors, nature and life. Comprising the island from which it takes its name, Porto Santo and the Desertas (Desert) and Selvagens (Savage) Islands, the archipelago of Madeira is a destination where, despite its proximity to home, you will feel as though you are setting off to explore a far-flung world.

Madeira Island …from the sky!

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